We’ve taken all the active companies listed under the sharing economy, collaborative consumption and peer-to-peer (AngelList & Crunchbase). We then cross-checked this against the company Appendix of The Business of Sharing (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) by JustPark CEO Alex Stephany.
The full list was then filtered to remove any sites and companies that are no longer active, or did not belong under these categories. We manually checked the list too, going through a wide variety of company descriptions and straplines to determine in the most detailed and concrete way possible, what each service actually does.
We then collated these to show the most popular ideas in the shared economy, including sub-categorising them under 5 headings - buying things, hiring people to do things, sharing things, borrowing things, and swapping things.
This is the most comprehensive and concrete overview of what’s on offer (and what you can do) in the sharing economy.