Wimbledon 2024: How to queue for tickets, getting there and what to expect

Embrace the tradition and charm of the upcoming tennis tournament while knowing what to expect on the day.

wimbledon tennis logo and tennis balls

Wimbledon, the world's oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament, attracts fans from all corners of the globe. While many secure their tickets in advance, a beloved tradition for many tennis enthusiasts is queuing for tickets on the day of the match. 

This guide will provide you with all the essential tips for smooth queuing and tell you what to expect, ensuring you have the best possible experience.

Wimbledon 2024 event information

The Championships starts Monday 1 - Sunday 14 July 2024. All events are held at the iconic Wimbledon Park in London. A full daily schedule of events can be found on the official event website.

Early Bird gets the ticket: Arrive by 4 AM

For those aiming to get a prime spot in the queue, arriving early is crucial. I recommend getting to the queue around 4 AM. The earlier you arrive, the better your chances of securing coveted tickets, particularly for the show courts like Centre Court, No. 1 Court, and No. 2 Court.

Why 4 AM?

  • Better ticket options: arriving by 4 AM significantly increases your chances of getting tickets for the major courts.
  • Shorter wait time: while queuing is inevitable, arriving early means you spend less time in line and more time enjoying the tournament.
  • Community spirit: the early hours are filled with camaraderie among tennis fans. It's an experience in itself, sharing stories and excitement with fellow enthusiasts.

What to expect once you arrive

I've joined the Wimbledon queue for the last two years, arriving around 4:15 AM each time. I was fortunate enough to be offered tickets for Centre Court on both occasions. The anticipation and excitement in the early hours make the experience truly memorable.

Queuing for Wimbledon is more than just a means to an end; it’s part of the tradition and charm of the tournament. More or less, it is sitting in place on a massive lawn in Wimbledon Park until about 6:30 AM. Then, you slowly make your way through Wimbledon Park. There is a designated path filled with different entertainment along the way. You'll find games, coffee shops, and even a few cocktail shops that you can enjoy without losing your spot in the queue.

Around 8:30-9 AM, the crucial moment arrives. A very esteemed gentleman or lady (with a nice hat) will come to you and offer you one of three bracelets: Centre Court, Court 1, and Court 2. You’re hoping that you get the beige one, as this is the one for Centre Court. The shared anticipation, the early morning sunrise over Wimbledon Park, and the collective excitement of finally stepping onto the hallowed grounds of the All England Club make it a unique experience.

How to get to Wimbledon early in the morning

One of the biggest challenges when planning an early arrival is finding affordable parking nearby - especially on busy days like during the championships. Fortunately, if you plan a bit in advance, JustPark offers a practical solution where you can book a parking space ahead of arrival, often in residential driveways close to your destination.

  • Proximity: Many driveways listed on JustPark are located next to Wimbledon Park, where the queue starts. This proximity means you can park your car and join the queue without hassle.
  • Availability: With hundreds of options, you're likely to find a spot that suits your needs. And if you don’t mind a small walk, the savings can be significant.
  • Peace of mind: Pre-booking your parking spot guarantees you don't have to worry about finding a space in the early hours of the morning.

What to bring for a full day at the tournament

Being prepared will make your queuing experience more enjoyable. Here’s a checklist of essentials:

  • Comfortable clothing: Dress in layers as temperatures can vary. Waterproofs are advisable in case of rain.
  • Camping chair or blanket: For comfort while waiting.
  • Food and drink: Bring enough to keep you sustained through the early hours. There are also food stalls and vendors near the queue.
  • Entertainment: Books, magazines, or games can help pass the time.
  • Power bank: Keep your phone charged, especially if you're using apps like JustPark or need to stay in touch with friends.

Respect the Code of Conduct for the queuing system

The Wimbledon queue is known for its organisation and fairness. Here are some key points of the Queue Code of Conduct to keep in mind:

  • Queue cards: Upon arrival, you'll be given a queue card with a number, which indicates your place in line. Keep this card safe.
  • Overnight camping: If you choose to arrive the night before, make sure to camp in designated areas and follow the guidelines.
  • Respect fellow queuers: Maintain a friendly and respectful atmosphere. The Wimbledon queue is renowned for its sense of community.

In summary, planning your journey ahead of time and getting to Wimbledon first thing in the morning are key strategies for a successful and enjoyable day at the tournament. With proper preparation and a positive attitude, queuing for Wimbledon can be an unforgettable part of your tennis adventure.

Illustration of a phone and a map.

Parking sorted in seconds.

Journeys are simpler with a dedicated space, just for you.

Illustration of a house with a parking space.