Airport Lounges

Holiday extras
Are provided by Holiday Extras. The cancellation policy depends on the product booked and when the cancellation is requested.

Supersaver: No cancel/amend

These super low-priced options are perfect if you are absolutely certain your travel plans will go ahead without any need to make changes.

Supersaver packages can’t be cancelled or amended, and we can’t give you a voucher or refund.

Flextras: Free cancellation

Our most flexible option: can amend, can cancel, no booking fees.

Cancellations within 7 days of making your booking will be issued a voucher for the full amount. You can cancel your voucher and request a cash refund within 14 days of issue.

Cancellations 7 days or more after making your booking, will be issued a voucher for the full amount. You can cancel your voucher and request a cash refund (less £10 which we’ll save to your account to use on your next booking) within 14 days of issue.

You can cancel your booking for a voucher right up to your booked arrival date and time. We are unable to issue a cash refund for bookings cancelled on the arrival date.

You can change dates or Lounge in a few clicks anytime up to the arrival time on the booking. There is no fee for this, you’ll just have to pay the extra if the new price is higher. We’ll refund your card if the price is lower.

Everything you need to know

  • Cash refunds are made to the card originally used on the booking
  • Vouchers can be used on any future Holiday Extras within 2 years of the issue date (unless cancelled on the booked arrival date, in which case the voucher is valid for 18 months from the issued date).